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Toimittajat Teamtailor

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Toimittajat Teamtailor

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Nordic Operation Center

We know what a sales agent is looking for

Workplace and Culture

  • What has your journey at NC looked like? - I started here in the spring of 2020 and immediately my first month I set my sights on becoming the seller of the month and then the seller of the year. This is something that I have now succeeded in doing. Thanks to the company's way of working, I continue to develop as a salesperson with each passing day no matter how long I have worked here. The fact that there is also no cap on how high my salary can be just makes me never want to stop fighting. It doesn't matter if you start here with no experience at all or if you are already a good salesman, everyone has the opportunity to become a star at NC.

    Isabella Haak

    Årets Säljare 2020

  • What is the best thing about Nordic Operation Center? - I was the first employee at Nordic Operation Center and therefore my journey here has been long. The best thing here is that I can develop every day and in 2019 I managed to take home the price as seller of the year! The best thing about NC is 100% the salary. As a salesperson, you are looking for a job where you have the opportunity to make a lot of money. Then I have also had the opportunity to develop my leadership in this company, which is a big factor in why I still work here today!

    Niclas Kiander

    Årets Säljare 2019

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