Nordic Operation Center
We know what an employee is looking for
Here at Nordic Operation Center we have a lot of different roles to be fulfilled. Do you want to grow in sales, B2B or B2C? Do you want to build a career within customer service or recruitment? Are you the born leader? We have roles for you to grow within, start your career with us!
Available jobs
Jobba som säljare för nordens största El-Levera...Telemarketing · Palma de Mallorca
Bli en framgångsrik försäkringssäljare hos ett ...Telemarketing · Solna, Stockholm
Kom med på rejsen med nordens største tv-levera...Telemarketing · Palma de Mallorca
Vi söker säljare till vårt nya kontor i Stockholm!Telemarketing · Solna, Stockholm
Vi søker etter nye selgere!Telemarketing · Palma de Mallorca, Barcelona
Vi söker nya säljare för AllenteTelemarketing · Málaga
Vi söker nya säljare för AllenteTelemarketing · Barcelona
Vi söker nya säljare till Mallorca!Telemarketing · Palma de Mallorca
Teamledare till MálagaTelemarketing · Málaga
Work together with well-known faces
Since the start in 2018 we have had the great oppurtunies to work with the best companies in scandinavia. We always strive to have long and successfull relations with our clients. Take a look at some of our partners

Our offices
About us
Workplace and Culture
Nordic Operation Center´s vision is to build a second home for our team. We believe in our employees more than anything else and together with them we want to build more than just a workplace. We want to build a second home where we can develop both career-wise, but also personally. A place where we reach our goals together.
We have chosen to place our offices in some of the most attractive destinations in Spain. Mallorca, Málaga and Barcelona is the places to be right now, but who knows where we end up next..
NC Sales Awards 22'

We know what a sales agent is looking for which is why we have made sure to excel in salaries, bonuses and attractive competitions. Along with that we offer a culture that distinguishes both professionalism and community.

We strive to be an attractive employer for anyone who wants to pursue a career. That´s why we work actively to develop our employees skills and give them the tools they need to succeed with sales. As an employee of Nordic Operation Center, you will have the opportunity to advance in a clear and developing career ladder that follows your personal development.

Jobbar du redan på Nordic Operation Center?
Hjälp till i rekryteringen och hitta din framtida kollega.